Feedback about our case workers
- The women at DV West have been extremely helpful. They have never left me unassisted and always kept in contact with me to make sure if I was ok and if I needed anything!
- Awesomely awesome, again above and beyond what I have been supported throughout my time here and afterwards.
- It’s non-judgemental and understanding. They are there when needed and supportive. I’m thought of and checked in upon.
- Thank you all again you ladies gave me a second chance at life
- All the staff members are kind, compassionate and approachable. After my extreme life events I found it terrifying to participate in the world. The ladies at west connect have been the major supporting factor in my recovery after DV. Without this service I would not be where I am now. They are amazing.
- The ladies working in the refuge are always helpful, friendly and offer help whenever I need. They do more than they should and deserve recognition. It is very much appreciated!
- I have my own place now, which is safe, secure & very rewarding, also knowing that if I get stuck or need help the girls are still there to help me to get through
- Thank you to the After Hours team for not giving up and advocating so I could get a house. The support I have received is just deadly sis.
- I don’t know what you girls did but apparently, you’re magic. Housing are listening to me now.
Feedback about our services
- I’ve relocated and taken control of my life. I’m so much safer
- I don’t have to look over my shoulder no more or hide out
- After doing the course offered by DV West about identifying DV and red flags and learning my rights I feel I am more prepared to make decisions based on my needs and my safety. I also learnt so many new things on how to relate to others how to stand up for myself and my beliefs
- I learned and implemented ways to say no and to stand by what is right for me and my son. I also learned that it’s ok to seek support and ask for help.
- I think you guys are amazing & do a fabulous job. Don’t give it up – us women couldn’t do it without the extra support, we need you.
- The service I received was quick and so beneficial for my wellbeing. I feel more supported and secure now as I know the institutions like yours help those who really need help
- I never knew so much help was out there
- I would not have known what to do without your services. It has allowed me to feel as safe as I possible as I can be in my home, the communication is very quick, and the support is amazing
- I’m just blown away with the support me and my children have received. When I got to the refuge it looked just like a nice house. When I was shown my room, I burst into tears because it was beautiful, there were packs for my children and a beautiful toiletry pack for me, I felt special. Then as I had no money so I was given meals and Coles cards so I could buy nappies and food, then when the worker found out I didn’t have warm clothes for my kids she gave me Big W vouchers. If I knew I would have this support I would have left months ago
- The benefits of me having my pets here with me are beyond words, my 2 little dogs are my babies and my family, all I have in this world and to be apart from them at such a horrible time in my life would have been more devastating for me. To be able to see them from my bedroom window gave me peace, comfort and knowing that they were safe with me helped me 100-fold and I can’t thank you enough for having a place to accommodate pets. The staff here are the best and I give them all gold stars.
- I need to say thank you. For the first time in a long time I feel like someone has listened to me. I felt respected. The way you work, I feel like you really saw me and offered me exactly what I needed. If your goal is to empower women, then you can tick that box. When I get off the phone to you, I recognise the woman I use to be. I feel hope. I feel like I can achieve what I need to achieve. It’s an amazing gift to have given someone.
- Thank you for the opportunity to make happy memories with my son. My son collects cans and donated the money to domestic violence to support other people like us.